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Vet Reviewed
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Optimal Gut
“This is life-changing! Toby gets one scoop every morning and after three months total, I’ve seen significant improvement in his allergies, stools, and even his energy levels. Other people have noticed also. And he can’t wait for me to sprinkle it on his food, so it must taste good!”
Keo my 9 1/2 year old Shepherd mix was constantly itching and scratching. I saw the add for Belly Bliss which said it would be good for his bowels and itching. We tried it and after about 2 weeks his scratching stopped. I totally recommend it.
Packed With High Quality Ingredients

250 mg
L-Glutamine has been shown to stimulate the growth of the cells lining the gut wall, “stitching” up Leaky Gut and stopping toxins from seeping into your dog’s body.

N-Acetyl D Glucosamine (NAG)
125 mg
NAG acts like a sponge in your dog’s gut, attracting and then absorbing all the harmful toxins before they have the chance to tear holes in your dog’s sensitive gut lining.

Reishi Mushroom
400 mg
Reishi mushrooms are great for rebalancing your dog’s gut, improving the density of its bacteria, and even reducing inflammation.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom
400 mg
Similar to Reishi, Lion’s Mane helps support healthy gut function in your dog. It does this because it’s a potent prebiotic, which “feed” the good bacteria in your dog’s tummy.

Turkey Tail & Codyceps
800 mg
Like Reishi and Lion’s Mane, these two ingredients are potent prebiotics. Once the other ingredients have gotten to work repairing the gut, our prebiotic mix supplys the good bacteria with the fuel they need to prevent future issues.