All orders are shipped out in 3-5 business days.
Your order from Pup Labs is protected by our industry-leading 180-day money back guarantee. We’re so confident you'll love our products, that we’re giving you an entire 6 months to try it out! If it doesn’t deliver the results you hoped for, you can get a full refund, no questions asked. Simply call 855-207-7351, or email for a full and prompt refund. You have 180 days from receipt of order. Please allow for 48 hours for your refund to be processed, and 5 business days to see your funds credited to your card.
You will receive a reply within 24-48 business hours Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00 am and 7:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
After complying with the steps above, please allow for 48 hours for your refund to be processed, and 5 business days to see your funds credited to your card.