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Vet Reviewed
& Approved

Optimal Joint Health
“Freedom Joint Drops are world-class joint support drops that will keep your pup running and playing pain-free, no matter their age or breed. Say goodbye to doggy joint pain for good!”
Mylie, 6 years old, has stiffness in her back legs when she gets up from laying down. The joint drops have helped.
My dog is walking and running so much more now . Thank you
Packed With High Quality Ingredients

Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is the main compound that makes up synovial fluid and keeps your dogs joints lubricated! And Freedom Joint Drops contain clinically proven levels of hyaluronic acid that go to work fast on your dogs joints to ease pain and suffering!

Flavonoid Superfoods
Our flavonoids come from a 2,000 year old plant, off the pristine coast of the mediterranean sea, that has been unaltered by genetic engineering, so it has the same natural joint supporting antioxidants as it did when dogs roamed in the wild.

Vitamin B12 (MethylCobalamin)
This is a superior form of vitamin B12 for dogs because it helps to burn fat, improve immunity and protects your dog's gut. Which all help lower inflammation and protect your doggies joints and allow the other supernutrients to work faster and more effectively! B12 also plays a role in improving your dog's energy, so they can get back to their normal nighttime zoomies!

Magnesium helps with the absorption of other minerals, which amplifies the joint healing effects of hyaluronic acid and MSM! It also helps keep your dog’s bones strong and keep their heart healthy so they can run and play for hours with you - no matter their age.

MSM can alleviate signs of osteoarthritis in dogs and it also helps stop pain signals from reaching the brain. That means immediate relief for your pup, while the other ingredients get to work creating long-lasting results.